Frequently asked questions
New to acupuncture and have questions? Not sure if acupuncture is right for you? Please read through the frequently asked question to become more familiar with what treatment will look like. If you still have questions, feel free to contact me to discuss your situation.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and, most of the time, you won't even feel the gentle insertion of the needles. You may occasionally feel a slight poking sensation when the needle is inserted but this subsides almost immediately. You may also feel a heaviness or aching sensation while the needle is in. This heavy, aching sensation is a good sign, it shows your body is responding to the needles. Most people find acupuncture to be extremely relaxing and will often fall asleep during their treatment and leave feeling refreshed.
I have always thought of acupuncture as an uncomfortable necessity but not anymore. I look forward to treatments with Autumn. She is incredibly knowledgeable, thorough with her assessments, and effective in helping to reduce stress. I highly recommend Autumn.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes, acupuncture is safe. All needles are sterile, disposable, and only used one time. It is important to ensure that your acupuncturist has been adequately trained and is a licensed acupuncturist. The great thing about acupuncture is there really aren't any negative side effects. Occasionally, you may get a small bruise that should heal just like any other bruise.
How many treatments will I need?
Acupuncture is individualized for each patient. The number of treatments each patient will need depends on the person, what their reason for treatment is, and how long the condition has been going on. If we are working on a chronic condition, it will likely take more treatments than an acute condition. I often suggest committing to 6-10 treatments to get the most benefit. We can discuss the number of treatments to be expected during your first treatment and continue to re-evaluate as we go.
Some people experience so many benefits from acupuncture that they continue with regular maintenance treatments after their initial complaint has resolved.
What is the price of treatment?
New Patients $125
Follow up $85
What can I expect on my first treatment?
Plan on showing up for your appointment a few minutes early so you can begin relaxing. It is best to be in a calm relaxed state before your treatment. You should also have something to eat a couple of hours before your treatment so that you aren't too hungry or too full. Once you have arrived, we will do the initial intake. This includes many questions that may not seem related to your chief complaint but helps to diagnose the root of the problem. After the intake, we will begin needling. It is best to wear comfortable clothing that can be pulled up past your elbows and knees. If I need to work on your hip or back, I will provide a towel to cover up with. You will then have the opportunity to rest on the treatment table with the needles for about 20-25 minutes. Your job at this point is to just lie still and relax. If this seems too long for any reason, just let me know - I want you to feel comfortable with your treatment. After you have rested, I will return to remove the needles and do any additional treatment modalities that may be necessary depending on the reason for your visit. If any are necessary, I will be sure to discuss them with you to make sure it is something you are okay with.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?
More and more insurance companies are covering acupuncture treatments. We are happy to provide a super-bill with ICD-9 codes for you to send to your insurance company for reimbursement. If you require reimbursement, it's best to check with your insurance company before getting treatment.
What does Chinese Medicine treat?
Chinese Medicine can treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The following are some that are listed on the World Health Organization Website as diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture.
Abdominal pain
Bell’s Palsy
Induction of Labor
Knee pain
Low Back Pain
Malposition of fetus
Morning sickness
Neck pain
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome
Raynauds syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sore throat
Stiff neck
Tennis elbow
TMJ pain and dysfunction
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Again, this is not an all-inclusive list There are many other conditions that acupuncture will treat. If the condition you are seeking treatment for is not in the list above, please feel free to contact me with questions so I can help you decide if acupuncture is right for you.