How do you know if community acupuncture is right for you?
If you're looking for a tune up treatment and don't need to discuss major health changes. Since we are in a community space, we will keep talking to a minimum and in a hushed voice. If you need more time to discuss your situation, a private room would be a better fit
If you wish you could get acupuncture more regularly but your bank account keeps you from doing so. Community acupuncture is a more affordable option so that you can get the regular treatments you need.
Are you pregnant or uncomfortable lying on your back? The zero gravity spa chairs are extremely comfortable and allow you to be in a more upright position if you desire. If you require a chair versus a table but would like a private room, reach out and we can book it that way for you.
Is it a Ladies day? Date night? Or maybe you want to introduce someone to acupuncture but they are a bit nervous to do it alone? Bring that special someone with you and get treated together.
Since there will be someone else in the room for a portion of your treatment, feel free to bring ear buds so you can listen to your own music, meditation, podcast, or audiobook.